
Science is an amazing aspect of my life. I truly love both passively and actively learning science (or to say both consuming prior knowledge and actively contributing to new discoveries). I am moving towards trying to actively communicate the science I do in video format on youtube.

Aside from the the video format, below are short summaries about the projects I’m working on, focusing mostly on motivation.

I’ve had a deep interest in the search for extraterrestrial life (aliens!!!) as long as I can remember. One way to scientifically study and potentially rigorously test molecular biogenicity is with the help of isotopes. Often, small organic molecules can be created both biotically and abiotically. Studying the intramolecular arrangement of isotopes (clumped isotopes), in the context of bulk isotopic information about a molecule or molecular family, may allow us to discern biogenic and abiogenic molecular formation by predicting and observing the distinct signatures of unique chemical pathways on these properties of molecules.

A recent field trip to Nova Scotia was the genesis of a project focused on reevaluating the sedimentological descriptions and reinterpreting the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of early Carboniferous carbonates in Maritimes Region, Canada. The project involves field-based observations, thin section microscopy, and isotope analysis.

With regards to prior work, I have worked on projects in the areas of cellular toxicology, ant behavior, and mosquito biocontrol. Previously published work can be found in the google drive folder here. Also, a little to my google scholar is here.